photo Assen Ignatov ©

photo Assen Ignatov ©

photo Assen Ignatov ©

photo Assen Ignatov ©

photo Assen Ignatov ©

photo Assen Ignatov ©
Group size: 4-14 persons 1 210 EUR
Individual: 2-3 persons 1 430 EUR
Deposit: 200 EUR
Single room supplement: 160 EUR
Price includes: Transport with comfortable bus and coach, accommodation in good hotels with private facilities, full board, professional guide and entrance taxes.
The price does not include: Airfares, travel insurance, alcohol drinks and cigarettes, room service, telephone calls.
11 days
26 May 2022 - 5 June 2022
Period: 26 May – 5 June 2022
Best period: mid of May – end of June
The Bulgarian flora is represented by over 3 800 species of vascular and more than 6 500 nonvascular plants and fungi. Woods take more than 27% of Bulgarian territory. Approximately 5% of the flora is represented by endemic species, 285 plants are Balkan endemics and 270 plants are Bulgarian endemics. There is a great number of relict plant species. The oldest tree in Bulgaria is 1650 years aged, its trunk thickness is 7, 45 m and it is 23, 40 m high. The highest tree in Bulgaria is the Baikusheva Mura with 62 m height and 360 years of age. The Orchids are represented in Bulgaria by 68 species. Thus Bulgaria ranks among the most biologically diverse countries in Europe.
Day 1
Arrival at the Varna Airport and transfer to the North Black Sea Coast. We will spend three overnights in our hotel near to the sea.
Day 2-3
During these two days we will explore the unique natural steppe in Bulgaria – visiting the reserve of Kaliakra, the localities of Bolata, Tuzlata near the town of Balchik, Yailata and Kavarna. We expect to see the following species:
Agropyrum brandzae, Artemisia pedemontana, Bellevalia sarmatica, Euphorbia myrsinites, Iris pumila, Nonnea atra, Onosma taurica, Onosma arenaria, Onosma echioides, Paeonia tenuifolia, Paeonia peregrina, Potentilla mollicrins, Potentilla bornmueleri, Ruta glaveolens, Salvia argentea, Salvia nutans, Stipa lessingiana, Silene caliacrae, Scutellaria orientalis, Astragalus vesicarius, Astragalus glaucus, Alyssum caliacrae, Ephedra distachya, Tanacetum millefoliatum, Crambe maritima, Crambe tataria etc.
Day 4
We are going to make a transfer to the South and spend the day plant watching in Kamchiyski Pyasatsi protected area. Some characteristic species seen in this region are:
Jurinea albicaulis, Silene thymifolia, Silene euxina, Lepidotrichum uechtritzianum, Alyssum caliacrae, Centaurea euxina, Crambe maritima, Eryngium maritimum, Cackile maritima, Scabiosa argentea and others.
Day 5
On this day we are going to make a transfer to the Southern Black Sea coast. On route stops available. Dinner and overnight.
Day 6
On this day we will spend the day exploring the dunes of the town of Primorsko and the region of Maslen nos cape. Overnight stay in the hotel.
Some of the interesting species we expect to see this day are Jurinea albicaulis, Silene thymifolia, Silene euxina, Lepidotrichum uechtritzianum, Alyssum caliacrae, Centaurea thracica, Allium amethystinum, Anacamptis pyramidalis, Orchis purpurea, Stachys angustifolia, Vicia incisa, Dianthus capitatus, Lactuca tatarica, Opopanax chironium subsp. bulgaricum, Prangos ferulacea, Limonium latifolium, Goniolimon tataricum, Crambe maritima and others.
Day 7
On this day after breakfast we will go to the Strandja mountain. After many stops for plant watching we will enter in the Strandja mountain – the biggest natural park in Bulgaria. Late in the afternoon we will arrive in our hotel. Dinner and overnight.
Day 8
On this day we will explore the flora in the vicinities of Vitanovo reserve. We expect to see such interesting plants as Ophrys cornuta, O. mammosa, Ophrys argolica, Orchis moris, Orchis papilionacea and their hybrids. Other interesting plants there are Nonnaea pulla, Veronica turriliana, Paeonia peregrina, Lathyrus aureus, Trachystemon orientalis, Vicia incisa, Centaurea pichleri, Polygala supina, Neatostemma apulum, Hesperis theophrastii, Linaria pelisseriana and others.
Day 9
On this day we will explore the protected area of Marina Reka, where we expect to see most of the interesting plants known to occur in Strandja Mt, e.g. Rhododendron ponticum, Laurocerasus officinalis, Epimedium pubigerum, Ilex colchica, Trachystemon orientalis, Fagus sylvatica, Quercus hartwissiana, Verbascum bugulifolium, Cistus incanus, Stachys thracica, Calluna vulgaris, Teucrium lamiifolium, Cicer montbretii, Knautia degenii and others.
Day 10
On this day we will go to the North Black Sea Coast. We will make many stops on the road. Late in the afternoon we will arrive in the town of Varna. Dinner and overnight.
Day 11
Depending on your departure time we will give you spare time for shopping or other leisure activities. Transfer to the Varna Airport. Departure.
This tour is generally “lazy”, without long and difficult walking, suitable for everybody. As the development of the vegetation vary from year to year, some of the plants mentioned above, may not be seen.
More reading:
Guides to the Bulgarian flora are available only in Bulgarian, but the reader might refer to the following book:
Polunin, O. 1980. Flowers of Greece and the Balkans. Oxford University Press. (any edition of this book is suitable).
Experienced readers may also refer to Flora Europaea, but carefully, since it does not cover all the endemic species of the Balkans.